Recyclable and eco-friendly
We have materials that are resistant to moisture and suitable for demanding environments. Choose from a broad range of custom made sound absorbing walls, standard wall panels and roof panels, pin boards and desk dividers.
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QS Track System
Our unique and heavy-duty plastic track is used to create a frame around the polyester material and holds the fabric firmly in place. The track makes it possible to do on-site wall applications. It’s simple to create stylish custom made designs, always with perfect, even and tight result. The track can be mounted directly on the wall at all angles. Its simple to replace only the fabric but retain the remainder of the materials when renewing the look of the room. This saves you money and is kind to the environment.
Download Quiet Solutions product information for the track systemAlipol – Sound absorbing Felt
Quiet solutions felt is made of 100% polyester specially developed by a credited acoustician. This felt is unique to absorb sound and reduces noise levels significantly. No flammability and less health risks than other absorbents on the market.
Download Quiet Solutions Specifications – Alipol and Cor absorbing materialFabric
We have selected fabrics with a low airflow resistance to achieve the best results combined with our acoustic felt. Choose fabric from a wide range of colours and patterns.
Standardized wall panels
Quiet solutions offer modular and flexible solutions for interior requirements. Quick to install, they can easily be taken down, reassembled and reupholstered to meet changing requirements. Importantly, the fabric can be changed as often as needed, in keeping with updated usage or design needs.
Download Quiets Solutions Core product info and test resultsRoof panels & desktop dividers
Quiet Solutions provides a wide range of sound absorbing products. Pin boards, Standing room dividers, Roof panels, desktop dividers and furniture.
Outdoor Sound absorbing material
QS Solid is a outdoor sound absorber for challenging environments. It is developed to maximise noise energy absorption, and resolves issues of fire, weather aging and contamination damage. Simply maintained, constructed from recycled material.
Download Quiet Solutions Specifications – Solid absorbing paneelsQuiet feet for chairs
Quiet feet is a unique piece of furniture paw for a good sound environment. They are designed to reduce the noise of the scraping sound of chairs in schools and kindergartens.
QS Pyramid diffusers
Quiet Solutions snygga akustiska pyramider fungerar som diffusers i ett rum och snarare sprider ut ljudet än absorberar det. Med rätt placering förstärker diffuser pyramiderna röstens framkomtlighet och ger möjlighet att skapa privata sfärer i öppna inomhusmiljöer, eftersom talaren inte måste tala högt för att höras.
Tecsound Insulation
Tecsound is a high-density, highly viscoelastic syntetic soundproofing membrane that offers excellent levels of acoustic insulation in traditional constructions. It’s a thin material and it hardly affect the thickness of the construction.